many artists like Bob Marley or David Allen Coe will speak to you beyond their grave as if they never died at all and still exist in an essence of God's paradise that was, still is, and that will always be the muse of God's spirit that guides us through a voice that can mend your heart and give you joy, even when your feeling blue.
Those Who Knows the Stars in Heaven Know the Outcome. i see many under the sun and the day widened for our earth because we decide to push to free fuels that enhances our relationship with mother earth the giver of nature and all freedom.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
The Idol
if you are a part of God's generation then you will pull forth and toil before the next man can be your master. when you become the best at something then you are molded into a figure that can see God and those who rose to the top at what they do best. you don't have to be famous to be an idol just the best. and many will become the idols that we have sought from the days of old that return and harvest with the season that is ripe and enables us to take from the garden of death from which life has taken for its own time to return in flesh for today to be restored and mastered by those from the days of old return and set back the time of that in which we were dead in the ground but now live again as we did yesterday.
The Holy Ghost (The Abyss)
when i first saw the Holy Ghost Who was a woman wearing a shroud that had tassels that were swaying under her arms that were spread out as she hoovered in a tomb that had six pillars two columns of three on each side of Her that now have a time given to them in the tomb and a time that was given above the Stars of Heaven and the times that were taken away from my people of North America. Amen.
The Incarn Age
this text is sacred and the flesh of Heaven will become pregnant and give life to a frog people Our people also became one with the Father of Heaven. i am you Who never seen Me before or had known that i am the return of all those Who came before Me and all those Who will come after. and if i have anointed you Who will take my path and then open your heart to those Who have been Chosen before this world would become the light of its everlasting day that disappears because one has been left alone and this one was the First to this blessing He is the Father of Heaven and the father of many births on earth who will have many also.
P.S. this Maxim is for the Prince of Egypt.
The Authority of God's Creation
with authority comes grave responsibility and you act upon authority under pressure then the freedom of God is within you Who act with Authority when you have the same gift of discernment we tend to excuse the human nature in Us today on earth so know this when you break up a family or use an excuse to enter without warrant then Hell is always lit for you who find themselves above and beyond the rest of these people Who protect you.
Friday, March 25, 2022
We Are One
when i was Jesus i was also Elijah who is the Father of Wic came upon Me with as if the last and the first were one and i am Roger Ramos Grant the new Father in Heaven the opened timing of God's roar that is heard through out His creation and the last is the hold on to those who can never be given to God because you Who synagogue with Roger but say you are Jewish are fighting Me Roger because you do not know God the commandment of the Bible are for the Jews Who have the same God but worship God in their way. and those Who come to America were cast out and have freedom to Religion and never are We without God the same living God in Roger.
Be Strong and Have Faith
the Hell belong to its keeper Who is Trey or Ashodeus that rules with two Demons Joe (Philippines) and Courtney (America) let them have your ear as they guide you past the Angels of Hell that transfer their guilt to you and then take what you don't have in person as to take your light when you can only show your faith when you don't make it through the Bar of God.
The New Term
the Flesh of Our image is the flame on fire for God and in the beginning during the days of the Tower of Babylon (America) that brought fourteen days in darkness before we saw the light shine on its day as the terms extend to what was what is and what will be an advancement of suggestion that we are aligned and in sync to a new term for a presidential congress committee to vote for a fortnight in term of our own time extended.
New Amendment
12 colonies under one colony that built the progression of government that was given to the last Elect of God Who is in Elected of Heaven for one-third of Heaven's vote that can stop the winds for the times of 3 and a third of years that befall on four months of darkness after a draw or third of Heaven that had died in the Watergates of God must return and as one is reincarnated on Earth and the other in Heaven Who has caught their second wind that must be capitalized for freedom and for the last term given in this race that is given for a third and a third of its time in the term.
A Second Amendment
the Wind of Time is the breath that speaks and the times that we heal one through three days of thunder that brought three days of darkness that brought fourth a corner of Heaven on Earth for four years and four months time during a breath of three terms within our health and constitution after the second wind of God's breathe given.
In the Name of God
read out loud what God has said in this book and it may happen as God had planned worship the Holy Name that you worshipped before Me and God would be be pleased.
Judgement Day
Jesus came from Heaven it has been said but when He returned He came from Hell and that's where i came from when i was resurrected 29 years ago. like any Father that would find His children innocent are blameless so i judged the world that way without forsaking Christ.
One God on Earth
when the lightning struck the ground the God's were mad because they were different and wanted to be different but the head God said we only have one day to live, and Alamogordo was built in one day under the Moon of Heaven when the world needed grace and a matrimony to give Roger Who is in the Mountain Garden Center of Heaven and mankind in changing step to women that hunt, work for bread and also became God so that Heaven would also be the gift of life that's inside Our Bosom of those who believe in the Father of Heaven where Roger dwells and worships you Lord, Who is, Who was, and Who will always be there for those Who enter into Heaven that must eat of my right to flesh; the Bread of Heaven that can be given to your faith in Me as in Buddha the only begotten Son of God. and if you believe in Jesus Christ Who i was, is and will always be the path that i have taken to make it up to the Highest of Mountains in Heaven where God is changed and passed over for a new world order that's now on Earth as it is up in Heaven above. Amen.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
God's Creation
let the legends raise families in little countries homes and in meadows of gold. these creatures are heavenly creatures and live among us who are legends ourselves that run in imagination and in the forest next to Me where they are our neighbors and family. they just live the same good way every day and God had judged them innocent and God had commanded us to look at our own fruit that can never die under that sun but we would let something of God's creation die. no they ARE OUR FRIENDS and do not hurt them PLEASE.
Roger's Garden
there was Alamogorodo Tree that grew tall and it had many hands with many colors and this tree had hands even on the limbs and one day this tree started to lose its handprints and when all the handprints were gone this tree fell to the ground and fell over twice and then got up as if it shrugged off the freeze from its hair. see when there are no more hands standing you up you will fall. the Spirit spoke through Me while telling this story in the spirit or in the sky.
No Recreation Without a Hard Start
the enemy continues to fight. The enemy is my hand in motion and will overcome them that hate Me in complete swift stroke that empties the hollow earth and destroys their own creation that mocks mine on Earth. i have been given an important task to remind Us all that God has sent us to change this day for the rest of our lives. no more petty control of other people minding their own business. and if they continue trespassing i Roger will show without effort why i am destroying everything they own because they could learn to commune and ask or even talk about these decisions i regret. but i must do what i have been chosen to do.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
The Whale called Nunavut
The Whale called Nunavut
the whale that great beast of God's waters that freed My soul to drift away and to be given back to land afloat where man and whale met every day with humankind and learned that the same seasons can be greater if plenty would be freed behind the catch when only one can help Me along and keep me strong through the winter and the fish of the seas never looked back when i said not to eat the flesh of fish so the fish looked for food from above and saw the human eat them as they were caught up into a net that brings forth the sky and the rain and the freedom of given flesh forever unto the Spirit of God walking upon the waters of truth given to what was the fishers of men to be net of the woman that has made the bread of life under the fire of Heaven down in the deep where we are surrounded by truth and mystery that can hurt the ear when we have understanding in Christ. but many moons passed us by since Prometheus returned and the fish started to shine but ate the flesh of fish and they started to like the taste of fish and despised the taste of humans because humans ate fish and did like eating themselves who were given the sea and the right to live as each other does that school the light from above with fire that can be seen crying under the deep blue where God can be seen from below and never from above where young whales are sacrificed for tomorrow and to live again.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Unclean Birth
in this case of seeding a woman in spirit through deception, that man or creature must know that they must become what they sow. nor will they get out of it. this is what they hope to accomplish, they hope to kill me during our timeline. but i Roger R Grant hade man so difficult that they can not see Me in the spirit Who is in them without mercy or without knowledge to any good that they have done in this world. lets never anticipate their arrival or we will be doomed. do not allow any spirit that has no flesh to say to you "have my child." because if that unclean spirit impregnates you, they will be that child in all cases. you will yes Lord! yes finally ill have that child to come for the world to see. " i am the Lord and if someone would say that it would be a lie because it was not Me Roger.
The Enchantment of Balance
The Enchantment of Balance
the Enchantment is and awaking from the beginning of time that brings forth the Mountain of Nebukunizer the height of Her were two steps the brokes the two waves that return in southern route for the wind to settle in the third return that was cut in half by the winds that continue from the two beautiful fat women who are twins and who sing the new song until they have bundled naked alone with rivers of waters that flow down her bosom and down between her legs where the Milky Way and i became the Sunday afternoon wailing in harmony or until she holds on to her breath as a horn starts playing from behind that followed her with a whisper and a breath in her left ear where he collapses and rolls over in the slumber that awakens the sister for afternoons delight Her heart there is Chorus that builds up the ivory tower where the twin open up wide without harm being done to any coastline.
Monday, March 21, 2022
The Grapes of Wrath
i enchanted the army of faith and the first interacting god army with the curse of infinity but if one can never attack any other day but when the red moon is in the east and sets before the northern lights can enter the first Kingdom and these will only be invincible and self-defensive in every hour every time that moon becomes still as the heart that beats no more and these will have one last shot in the end.
The Market Place and Balance
Let Me tell you the truth i am the beast and the number thereof I Am God and I AM GOD the House and Mother inside of you when you can not hold on to my head enough to scream out from my mouth that was given the nectarine of Aphagar the chosen lady for Me is Sarah. Seth, The Prophet Muhammad and Me Who are with Allah and with all children in the House of Muhammad. "these days are the is without any heart"" or anytime given to its happiness for one can be happy and drunken with a marriage. Good Night Prophet Muhammad. i said to the Prophet 400 ago years.
Our God is Always Watching
from the house of the we gave you food to eat and we gave it to all who would eat from it and we keep the last of its kind for later. i will open the last time with the Mothers of Tomorrow that guides us unto our own destiny for every children and dream given through Roger our Messiah and the Only seed to remain one for the other in Heaven's process that inputs data next to date and time but only you Who are the Mothers of Tomorrow Who live today among Me as our Time and date becomes clear water and freedom that separates that league of kings and nations under God out of trouble and shooting one another until she decides to leave the true nature of Heaven itself as our own keeper of God and Heaven above given to a woman Who were given the Peace Time Award for their services upon this and that day. CONGRATS LADIES! AND WELL FOUGHT BEFORE WE OUGHT to be given to all who believe that we are the care takers in Heaven and Peace Keepers that have not seen one death yet on our side during this intense galactic presence among us in our space above.
The False Prophet
The one that returned today as Christ was the False Prophet and i did not have a religion but He represented all the blood lines and their religion that may not cross over if forbidden. He is a High Priest who have no affiliation with any churches but would protect them with their life before any other could return and seperate true religion from a false one.
The Voice of God
The Two Fat ladies are my first and last wife in tone deep with harmony and afloat with symphony upon two waters that remain the same in peace always set each time and egg upon Her chest as forty four upon each dawning morning four each breast that was given to Her heart for this one melody that sings for the bright all Star the sings you are my breathe in Heaven i could not leave until we heard you sing again. one Galaxy can be two twins that pour out the waters of time though the gem in our eye. who opens this last gate before the Heaven erase the First and Last Fruits in this kingdom for one house in the day that stood up to know Roger's House is the side of your morning turning into something bright and until that day the wind may stop but i want Her to fill my heart with love and make an exchange in Me that brings forth the winds of each corner to continue forever between two lay our destiny with stars above for to see.
The Father and Son
the bluest deep return into Me with the times received for no one knew God even if they thought they had known Me Roger but beginning shall in my name Albert Einstein became the Father of Heaven and the giver of life within our galaxies that we had created today in our Name and in Roger's Name who is the Son of God and Sir Nicolai Telsa the First Son of Sir Albert Einstein Who will be the United States President Einstein in the future of politics and in Roger to whom create our first neutron conductor or (Nero). Who is "In God we trust." and for We the people Who speak among the many few that own nothing but love to their own country. Allahlujah.
Sunday, March 20, 2022
The False Prophet
The Wisdom of Roger
The One True God had won this war with the ones that were their enemies i fought with Zeus this evening time and won another great victory!...
When the Lord returns and gives us a chance, He will ask you to choose between right and wrong. the one who takes the early out receives hi...
i n place of the earth is our moon and she will take the place of the earth in the celestial Heaven above. she will take her seat among the ...