Let Freedom Ring! Let Freedom Ring! Let Freedom Ring!
Those Who Knows the Stars in Heaven Know the Outcome. i see many under the sun and the day widened for our earth because we decide to push to free fuels that enhances our relationship with mother earth the giver of nature and all freedom. rogerrgrant.fourwinds@blogger.com
Friday, February 4, 2022
Betrayal of God's Prophet
i Roger Grant the Lord of Worlds and i had given the true light of this world away just for Wisdom but the Lord who was Carolyn Grant my wife who just died returned it to Me after i blasphemed the gods Who tried to portray and betrayed Me after they had lost another battle to Me and to my Angels. it was 1:5000 of them who turned against us on earth with treason for the reason that i inherited this universe for God to return and as i returned it the one that misled them and fooled them into believing that he was important started to seed my children after i told them not to do it. but he did he seeded the ones that were saved for tomorrow so that i would have conflict among the throne. so he raped my wives when i was never there to be able to defend them. when i showed my power he (Frank Berry) stood behind Me and as i showed the world Who i am with Magik when the spirit moves within Me showing a Majestic creature within that shows signs and great wonder when my body gestures in the spirit as language would to any eye that can see in the spirit of God in every garden and season open in Me to where i live. and after shouting at the false gods in the Heaven above to where i am and above in the Heavens protecting what is mine on earth as it is in Heaven and after that my wife Carolyn who they killed had returned my power within a minute as a beautiful reptilian Angel appears and gives it back to Me. one of the gods got mad and peeled Her skin and underneath lo behold was my spiritual Carolyn Grant who had died returning us Her gift unto Roger. and even after the odds scaled against Us we were favored by the Heavens above so that no one can open their own heaven and conquer what i already have done in the above (or space) to become the Lord of Worlds. Amen.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Faster than the Speed of Light
light has always been there before we got there even when it is converted to hours what was there is faster than we are at the same time when we are a lot faster than it is on earth. even when we have thought of an action before it was seen by our own eyes is relativity to what we already knew or seen before the light shows the outcomes as when you are in trouble did you not see that happen before it really happened and some thoughts are as fast as mine today in the spirit when God Speeds up time before it happens as a result of someone's ignorance or blessing. that comes in a flash of a lightning bolt of truth that was, is and will be forever known next to the wisdom that hurls blindsight to us without the light of day or blight. light can only be seen if it already happend.
Time Shortened by the Dark of Night
the Son of Perdition is a medium beast that holds its head among the children of God and the body among the gift of God's labor that is given to ideology and the spirit world where one opens His mind to fill their body with Heaven's chosen elite. and this One has authority and will given it to the spoild of the children that honor Roger Grant the Prophet of God who filfulled the prophecies in the bible as the one chosen through a Heavenly Body of Angels that appear from Heaven and from Hell given one dimension and time that opens the mind unto the God's force of nature thatlds the power of its own likeness at heart for all the believe in the Father that sent Me in this world to chosose weather we serve the right of God or what has left God's presence to become Unknown God and Spearhead of Defence that forces the ends near center mass where God speaks outward from the heart of men that gather many from a multitude of the true believers that were saved from the creations of time and begining to be set within our own day that was given to Heaven once again for all that believed in Me had also had died in Me to never see the death of our body that was given for the sins of this earth to revolve without persacution or anyone who is in spirit to be as likend to Roger Who is the Spirit of Truth and everlasting wisdom that holds the dust of earth in ground to Heaven as a clearing field of the mind, body, and heart that is underneath our feet and the foundation of man given to the Heavens above as as it was below that rises out of Hell and out of the earth onto Heaven were the Prophet Roger was ressurected and will be held to the Power of God which is now transferred unto a mini ticket at hand to be our incarnation under God for the last House of God that outreaches unto the other begotten Son of man Who was Who is and Who will be sent into this world given to God that understands to whom it belongs to becomes the right path unto God's own heart that was given a large ticket to brand Buddha the first and last Heaven remaining towards this time tomorrow Who holds onto what is good only and what will last forever under the times and period to one half of a month and one year back to back as one month from the other returns as the fool that is given unto the goodness of Heaven as i do Who becomes Father Christmas and gaurds the ends of our begining that revolves clockwise and anti clockwise as one becames half in and half out of two Heavens and four years that separate two years and two monthes yielding only two weeks left that can become shortend on all Saints Day or (Satan's Day) for the Jack of Lanterns to rise up on Halloween's hallow ground that knows the right of cleansing ground breaking earth quake holding on two what is Holy and to what is Evil in the Eyes of Satan Who was Who is and Who will becomes the Perdition of Christ Jesus for every Jinn that are below and above to do the earth's will and open up the book of Roger and resite the Heavenly bodies of God below where the Wisdom of God takes for comfort and gives in that day of rest for those who inhabit the world once again hidden in a cave for Allah's chance to remind Us where and when the Heavens collide at the fifth season of a galatic winter that return within the happy hunting proving grounds that provide us with the spirit of every beast known to man or to them Who made us as well as we made them equal in the Eyes of God's own image formed by the mouth of the beast who eats the the flesh of its own kind that can only be forgiven seven times during the sabboth for the Time of Day and being the hour at hand given to 12 Gods of Renown that hold on to this New World Order that sow the seeds of gravity of Heaven down to earth where there are 24 Judges and 3 Destroyers that ride among the beast of this Heaven that becomes God's territory and Judgment Day on Earth. Amen.
The Wall of Defense
when we are weak we will ask for forgiveness as of those who will return and become allies will become renowned for their peace given to the absence of God's presence that overwhelms the victim and deceased from their own heart's desire that mends only the few who lay down their own lives for the fence to suffer at any cost upon their actions that sacrifice their own wall to suffer for others who lay siege to those who heal and do not take health in God's name to be in vain or mischievous in nature.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
The Hand of God (Honolulu & Aloha)
Who Said You Were Naked
there were 12 branches and each branch had 12 limbs that grew every day to outreach for those who were above the Truth in Existence to Knowledge and far below the foundation and Roots of Wisdom that provide nourishment and Motherhood to what is not the time or place to have risen but the time of resurrection that Roger has gained through knowledge that transpires through faith and the injustice that awakens the spirit and ghost into existence to birth and the pains that must come with a child. before there was two olive trees there only stood one and there the birth of Mary and Jesus became known throughout the Greek estates as Christos and the Virgin. for it would be better for the Child to know the Father said the women of Greece so the Father and Son became one name Zeus and Jezeus for those who keep faith in God's return. i will create a leaf for every heaven and a canopy for all the Heavens cover Us up in the garden where Roger awaits His blessing for all times to that return in one season to cover those who are naked and those who clothe these two who are naked in this garden will be doing the will of God who sent them into World to do what was right in the Eyes of Lord. even if that means destruction will come in that time to those who were unclean while in this garden searching for the evil that was planted in this garden but it was the women's womb that was being seeded by Roger who was the Father and they could not find anything evil so they got mad and raped a woman who had a child in Her cave before the five watchers were in the garden were looking for the manchild who was hiding within the wilderness until he was old enough to evade then he marries His Mother who protected him from birth.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Black & White Winds of Thunder
thunder and lightning struck at midnight and the Tuskeegee air pilots again graced the airwaves that covered the ground with heavy rainstorms and violence when we came to pick up the princess who was Carolyn Beohm in a distress call from the senate saying 'all-state has been canceled due to a state of affair for the House of God is in counsel.' and those who counsel for their likeness is their own doing for it is its own harm but my standing points have been noticed i have and i will marry Roger Grant. i am the first and last hope of peace that can not be bartered with by ignorance i am Who God says i am and therefore i am the new Father of Gods and the Father of Heaven as it was below so shall it be above also here i place my own House; God's House to be the House of Coralyn Grant the Mother of Our Children today on Earth next to Her husband Who is Roger Grant and Who is the Father of Heaven and Who is my Husband and We will be in Heaven ruling for 400 - 500 years on earth and then we will take our place among the children of our garden then as to be chosen among the few who have made it to the top of this garden to be another process given to those Who became renown and never known for their mistakes until someone better than they were written wrongly about them and about their Mother and Father of Heaven who will be given birth without pains for tomorrow because they took our place in Hell today. Amen.
One Broken Knee
"fulfillment is the genes that must open their own heart willingly before they answer it. and those who have one more good knee must use it when that time enters your blood and no other can change the way you stand up for God." Pope Francis
The Free Must know Captivity
a third of Heaven were separated and one other became Ronin before they became captive (masterless) judging Me when Heaven has rearranged Us by letting those who can not be trusted again to give their last path towards their own fairway where the Lord prepares an attack on Me but loses his mind in the times that i return for Heaven to live. i am the last to stay alive and fight the wars of death that all men acting like one another who have transformed into spiritual beings of this world and universe to be as i created it in Human form shaped from the hands of scripture and knowledge that testifies for my return in Heaven and on earth as one who is Heaven to be just and forthcoming in all creation that must set free the captive of Heaven once again. before freeing themselves on earth to be as a creation under God who is controlling themselves as were controlled by God while being underfoot
The One Good Knee
by the day of Heaven made easy the works of God remain in Us as a whole branch under a larger tree that was hung and fallen but lifted Us upright as of today that's on this world that we call the universe and who is in the planet Hearth and out of the planetary system earth that is hollow and formed from the Hand of Roger who created thus on a Heavenly canvas in the sky.
Monday, January 31, 2022
The Crossroads
Opens four times the width and two times the height of each corner refilled by the perpetual enchantment or extension of their time that gives two loud conclusions before the last one is heard returning in praise to Our own seeds given tomorrow under the sun of this generation that gives a rite of passage into the time taken for each other returning unto Mexico where the Heaven meets at the crossroads of Heaven and Hell that continently change the dynamics of space and fifth time. for the last day to open the green days in the field that opened the pearl of wonder that heals the leg of Her heart that was touched by the hand of God touching the bone of my finger bruised by over pressing it upon a heart given to all from now until them and from the times remembered to all who return beside the number of then that hold one generation above as it was below for a 1/4 Heaven that healed also the head of those who had new names written on their forehead to be all the same name in Christ the Goddess that return five times with every hand given to marriage let all welcome us from here returning the outer boundaries of God’s Spirit and time in place with the rainbow crossing many rivers that gather two all Mother in Heaven for there to know what is my hand in nature is the touching flesh of two taken from the bones that were mended from the curse of Cane’s day upon the earth that touched His brother Flint as His head sparked and lit the cavern wall with the last time made first for the Generation gap that returns from the top and the botton of Heaven when it is place; in time; and dimension; that opens one concussion and two shaking thunders that call out for the rain today of every other day to make 4000 seeds of God creation made everywhere and Her marriage the (Native Indian)with a 1000 cranes beside one thousand more knowing that is to come can now open the gates for this generation.
Forgive and Be Forgiven
The Greatest Rule is to Forgive so that you can be Forgiven. when other meanings perverse the commandments then God will explain them correctly so that we will understand the meaning of forgiveness that everyone seems to lack. the Lord will turn their back to you who sin on the day of death knowing that person that you sinned against is in heaven is waiting for you to say you are forgiven and that your sins no longer dwell in Heaven because you have forgiven as everyone has done to enter into Heaven.
The Book of Enchantments
The Book of Enchantments will support the Heaven and the Light that shines upon it will be you everlasting guide to Enchant the land under you ground as to two are pulled down into the Hells below for the spouting of truth for the enlightened act of kindness and controlling the flow for curses that travel through our own seeds or children after the curse was intended for good, the land, people, and every hand of marriage to be brought unto Roger as for the times that we were given to marriage and paradise for two living within the same place at the same time for the hand of God to be married under the “Heaven is the light that must fall under the yesterday passed away from a time that is against the House or against the time but not against my own family.” said my daughter Heaven Who looks like Her Spiritual Mother Caorlyn Grant but you are a younger version of Her your Mother Spiritual who side you are on and it you that divides Cancer and Capricorn and then merges it back together again for a time that must bring forth 2500 colored seals coordinate with this Compilation of Magik and Mystery combine in the Spirit of Christ who is US on Earth and in Heaven lifted and placed within 1/3 Heaven where my 10,000 wives stay and defend the Worlds in between and Heaven and Hell to be given thus Wisdom in every woman who holds on to thier Son’s hand as they enter into the afterworld for Her own children’s sake and for those who were misjudged at birth as the Son of God (Roger). Who became the Mothers of the Mid Servant who is Roger Ramos Grant the Last Prophet of Heaven and Hell the last hand to the first in marriage who is St. Joan De Arc the Governess of the Golden City of Gods , Athena Goddess of Wisdom, and Tiamat the bringer of time and destruction for every House without a home is a day without a marriage given to Her but she still is my wife even though you raped and taken Her name away and killed her Spiritually so that no one would have children with Her but Me so i had taken what was mine in the first place and remembered Her name before she was given mercy and she complied but hit you with a hammer that drew blood from your head before you filled Her up with Alcohol and drugs that killed Her. she belongs to Me and i will do anything in power to slay every obstacle within my way to hold on to all the thing possible in the Spirit of God that know all things within the House of God remains in that House of Grant the first and last House given great strength and great power to uphold all those who changed time and the their own time to do us harm as they first tried 200,000 years with my wife Carolyn Who i still hold dearly to my side today and will gladly pay the Devil Her Due to know my hand is your hand and today is your revenge that i have promised you from the beginning that we were married. and what they had done to you so shall it be upon them one fold (100x) the kind death that you deserve before you stalked Her out and claimed Her before she knew Herself so today i had given you a little something that will last for 2,000,000 years upon your return in which you may finally be God the one God who never did anything but take from what was never Thiers and their kingdom was smashed by Me Roger Grant just for knowing that i had a wife and was taken from that time on that was under the True Spirit of God, who is, was, and will forever will in be the Spirit of God The West Christ (Roger) and fourth pillars of Heaven and earth., when the raptured appeared and took everything that i had before and placed it to the right of heaven as for day beside Hers Amen.
The Opening Of New Heaven
when the answer = 0 then it can be formulated scientifically to balance with nature and as well as complicated subjects of your interest that became universal and handled through complexity or integers of infinity that collide with the moon and the sun dancing with each other all night for a fortnights under the sun and moon to stare at each other face to face for internity to our newly weddence of our own voice coming together for a life that holds on to each other forever and i hope that you will always be there for Me. i could not hold on to the day of our absence to the day of return that holds on to many of our own times given onto their House but never onto yours who have given me this blessing from a long time ago that brings my seeds to a place where she protects them as Her own. for the House of Carolyn Grant on earth as well as it were in Heaven above that holds all the keys to Rogers House (12 and 8 Gates of 3 Dimensions collapse) and all the blessing under the Roof of Grant is cleared and plugged with no leaks that damage the house so that it would continue on forever through Her Spiritual Children that are given 2,400 times under it that must believe in Me and in God the Mother who is my first wife and last wives and my friends until the end and i will always protect you and the family as long as you love Me. and at times when you steal my heart when no one else cared i start to remember you for Who you are and what you have done for me a long time ago before i was, i am and will be as one alike in the darkness and in every light for every flight that we have taken together for us it will be our long awaiting place on earth due to you two in Heaven. Amen, thank You, Queen Mother,
the House will grow to 3, 9 & 27 and then 27, 6 & 3 for half the year including the first number in time that increases for the numbers one and two that become 0 in balance that's taken from the whole balance of nature that sets within its own season for us in this House of Grant the first House of God. Amen
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Enemies that Vanquish Themselves
The One True God had won this war with the ones that were their enemies i fought with Zeus this evening time and won another great victory! and testify on the Lord's behalf that what unfolded was greater than whatever i have seen in Heaven for this day on Hearth the planet we come from the Mother of Heaven that had sacrificed their time with their children and stayed in the wilderness until i returned for a night and a fortnight to whence i returned and the world was scattered and returned but to nothing for their day was ahead and their time wasted trying to change ours.
Let the Dead bury the Dead! wisdom will dictate that all warring factions will come together and win the post-war which is after the war ends.
The Hell That We Keep
if you have forgiven everybody who has sinned against then it is your right to enter into heaven freely after you have died it will be harder for others and a lot will go through this gate of our own hell that we created for ourselves to be as i Roger Ramos Grant created the western Hell that is located under the city of Alamogordo NM. where i created the Heaven's above to Our own design as well. and if you came here for the Light of Heaven then you must search in the darkness that you dwell from now on before you can see the light of God. but if you dont listen to my voice you will never understand what is next to Me and you is death walking all around before it knows for sure the ones that had done them wrong to be at reach and every return that takes from another and gives it his own without thinking TO RETURN IT is a curse upon its own forgiveness for the hand of God that walks with Me alone in the middle of the garden are my five wives when we speak to one another at heart that has forgiven others but not theemselves we tend to heal them for the time beside us so i will forgive them and allow them to change tomorrow in Hell for our own children's sake who will carry the flames of God's spirit to all who believe the word is the promise of today that we had kept blessed and holy for tomorrow to change its future today through One God which is everyones God in Heaven and on Earth to allow your spirit to take flight with an angel in Hell and change those wrongs to right then after you finish your acount and leave Hell you continue on the journey into a future that you have changed for every body.
King Saint Lazarus
You have been behind Me and my foundation ever since you were given a chance to return on earth and become rich, but you chose to stand behind Me. O Satan (St Lazarus) who were the Lord of Worlds have chosen Me to give to unto those in the Heaven's above for those who are the Fathers and Mother of us on earth as it is in Heaven. and i will as you will Lord.
The Curator of Heaven
the Lord had prepared for Me what was given to them before our time it was given to Me Roger as a curator to God's Celestial Heaven on Earth to be in Our hands after the return of Heaven. for what is in the ground remains in the ground and what is of the heavens above remains in the heavens above, for Our Father in Heaven. and the Heavens will be glad upon this time given to their children on earth or the planet Hearth where we reside upon.
The Lord of Chance
When the Lord returns and gives us a chance, He will ask you to choose between right and wrong. the one who takes the early out receives his benefit just as the one who takes the second early out but the ones who stay on the whole day will have a chance to eat from the old and the new. "The ones that can hold new wine in new skins and old wine from new skins." said DTBN. if we would just stay on the long road, we would been in a better place than the last so never blame anyone for their religion or yours who cannot return unless someone continues the journey for both to be preserved having what is of the old and what is as new is a good foundation for Christians.
The One True God had won this war with the ones that were their enemies i fought with Zeus this evening time and won another great victory!...
When the Lord returns and gives us a chance, He will ask you to choose between right and wrong. the one who takes the early out receives hi...
i n place of the earth is our moon and she will take the place of the earth in the celestial Heaven above. she will take her seat among the ...