when God swallows the Children because God has feared the retribution of actions to fall upon their children's tree who are innocent but inherit a throne that was made for Kings to die upon. so the Lord would send one away while the other sets in the sight of those who own the land. and as the land prospers the two bang heads together saying that one kingdom shall rule over the other, but the Lord had given the outcast on earth so that when one has died the other would rule while they search for another in His place who was switched at birth or who has accepted His role as a contender to the crown or to its own land that is forced over to the stronger sibling.. they who do nothing for this birthright will not be considered to be enlightened of its inhabitants but a forerunner of the awakened person who fulfills the prophecies on earth as it were in Heaven before the time was given today again.
Those Who Knows the Stars in Heaven Know the Outcome. i see many under the sun and the day widened for our earth because we decide to push to free fuels that enhances our relationship with mother earth the giver of nature and all freedom. rogerrgrant.fourwinds@blogger.com
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Friday, January 21, 2022
Forgotten and then Tormented
from dream time until now, our events were hard to swallow for what was calculated by God's heart, and those who need Wisdom must know that the season is for storing knowledge and truth and not for denying it i came here to take responsibility for man's own actions to be our own burnt offerings while i was on the alter. so i Roger Grant had also come into this world to fight the enemy that had cornered Us so i become the sacrificial lamb for all to be pardoned if i had lost to the other who enters into Me and speaks and i have done our part in speaking to the mass and Her Wisdom must now show the beauty of Her patience among the masses and multitude of clusters that make God's fingerprint points to Me from each corner area down here on earth that hangs as a sign for those on earth as it was in the Heaven's above. i am a sign that brightens a dimming light that they tried to take from us on earth. so when their Heaven returns i will leave them a little piece of Me Roger Grant just for the showing.
Take No Other Gods Before Us
One generation shall pass and be hidden in the Heaven above and as we are given the table or Mesa of Gold that holds the colors of the rainbow unto earth and its children that where we live today on Earth is also in Heaven as we open the last morning to come. the ones that have passed were the ones that returned with vigor and attitude so that they would eat first of what was given to Us on Earth but Roger connected to their unholy side and broke the bonds of them who come upon Our own children with hate or the words from the bible that allows man to alter what was clean in their hearts to be uncleanliness for they wondered in empty space for four thousand years since the dust of our beginning had blown them to a void that was given to whence you come from own or another planet above our own Earth. your not anything that something wanted but the opposite so that what was cleansed you thought it would be your house or rule when i had cleansed it with God we cleansed it for planet Hearth as we now rule the Heavens above. we who are on earth should not look up to Heavens for another being that holds on to us as God does today. they would not care for you on earth and it would just bring more Gods like these who bring six worse than the first morning to come again.
Let the Dead Bury the Dead
God had projected the terrority that i should uphold to the sacred ground for this day to be set. it is the southern parts of California, Arizona, and New Mexico. i am the keeper of the Valley of Death (Death Valley) and Sheol (Grande Canyon) where the Mormon's Bar of God starts the day with light that's given for all who are worthy to return and share the true nature of their calling for us to receive what was given to all who believe in Heaven so that there will not be any doubts that haunt us tomorrow for the way was the right and the way we return as to our body when we have seen the afterlife of God's creation. and i have created what was for all to receive in Heaven as well on Earth. that those who have given to Me their own Hell will now understand that when Heaven comes forth man will never be able to run away from what they have done in spite of God's goodness given. i am the one who keeps the spirit living as in the Heaven as it will be on Earth for all to understand my image is now in your hands for the coming of all to remember this great awaking that i Roger Grant has set fourth to every corner on earth that believes in God who will return to the East. "give peace to those who understand that my grace is temper and expect to be treated with respect said Buddha the Keeper of Eastern gates to the afterlife and to Roger's Heaven on Earth" said God (Buddha)
The Being of Wisdom is a Constant
the garden grows underneath our feet so that we have Satan to thank and the wisdom that blooms in the mind of Those who believe that what was true was hidden from the beginning of time said a Mother of Heaven. and we who never consider themselves to be a part of our own work must thank Our God until the bitter end said Athena from whence Wisdom returned from and to know where it remains at hand is the constant formula of God's plan to real life situations.
The Return of Our Own
who is a better race than a race of children that who in our name must return for a blessing until they themselves can understand what we have done today for peace and prosperity? we have a one instrument tool of guidance, and it sets from heaven unto our mind that holds open the gate of Heaven to resource any significance towards today at hand. and we know that when we are come uponed by enemies that our own senses in the Spirit of Christ will be in us at all times. Amen.
When We Come Together Again
from the day arrested from labors on earth started my trials in Heaven therefore we who heal this world will love each other without forsaking one another. we have been around this universe without knowing the time or place of our return but today we kept a record of those who are among us as one and descendant to our own genes. those who have made their effort to take away what is ours forever constitutes heroism, and never a chance to take effect of the nature that who we are will consider thus a beginning in the end 'of our new beginning' said a new voice in the midst of Heaven. so, i said to whom is my voice never heard. i am still a prophet and a father to all who believe and i will separate the two until we find a path that comes together once again but until then we will wonder.
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
The Fresh Water Enchantment
the land from whence we came from beholds no children because of the lack of attention that God has set upon their Greenfields to know everlasting wisdom is as deep as the world can swallow and as wide as the eye can see within the depths of our dead water (Salt) that was put here through unnatural causes the man has caused the man to suffer his own demise through trial and error. so i Roger Grant had these waters of God enchanted by the Mother Goddess Athena and she the balance and harmony of tomorrow's rise and fall salt and all so that1000 years can cleanse the land and water we drink shallow and fresh and the Lord of Waters who is the Woman on Earth that sets that water levels~to Sea the land and watery deep to be only two feet, but every lake ocean and sea will be freshwater until and will remain level until the year of 360,000.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
A Drift Along the Coast
The Chosen One
the beast of the field is the Elect of God who is Me as God is in You. and to be as the Garden keepers one should know all the beast that has applied themselves to You who must separate the Church and state and Hold to true to God who is the Elect of God. the Elect will give faith and strength to carry on and complete every task they ask. one good is that of a President filling your faith by every they ask it will be done. Amen.
First Hand of Man is Given to God
The true meaning of Heaven does not fall down upon one Man but all Mankind who is given the likeness of Her image in Heaven is given to a man who is created in his own image and then given a place to rule and to rule is not good without a hand. so from within himself, He created Woman to be at his foot for one foot that follows the other and She created man to be Her hand of protection that holds the Spear and Staff unto Heaven as He speaks to the beasts of His field.
The One in Me is Who
when you are the image of the man you see Who is in Me and i see Who is in You. the Lord of Perdition is the Lord of Hosts and the Lord of Worlds will be the Host of Hosts. and the one Who returns will be in Me as i am in You Christ. Amen.
Good People Only Can See a Miracle
the day that you comprehend truth is the day that you grow up like a tree. the day that you grow up to become wise and true then holy scriptures would reveal themselves to you. and if you are good and believe in Me as West Christ the return of Jesus Crist then in that day you will start seeing miracles.
The One True God had won this war with the ones that were their enemies i fought with Zeus this evening time and won another great victory!...
When the Lord returns and gives us a chance, He will ask you to choose between right and wrong. the one who takes the early out receives hi...
i n place of the earth is our moon and she will take the place of the earth in the celestial Heaven above. she will take her seat among the ...