Friday, January 21, 2022

Take No Other Gods Before Us

One generation shall pass and be hidden in the Heaven above and as we are given the table or Mesa of Gold that holds the colors of the rainbow unto earth and its children that where we live today on Earth is also in Heaven as we open the last morning to come. the ones that have passed were the ones that returned with vigor and attitude so that they would eat first of what was given to Us on Earth but Roger connected to their unholy side and broke the bonds of them who come upon Our own children with hate or the words from the bible that allows man to alter what was clean in their hearts to be uncleanliness for they wondered in empty space for four thousand years since the dust of our beginning had blown them to a void that was given to whence you come from own or another planet above our own Earth. your not anything that something wanted but the opposite so that what was cleansed you thought it would be your house or rule when i had cleansed it with God we cleansed it for planet Hearth as we now rule the Heavens above. we who are on earth should not look up to Heavens for another being that holds on to us as God does today. they would not care for you on earth and it would just bring more Gods like these who bring six worse than the first morning to come again.

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