the thunder bird struck the the wall of Gibraltar and opened the gates to Sheba when hail was created from the mountain tops of thunder and fire where the hidden city behind a wall of desire where the blue people of Earth and Heaven remain strong for the sister's of Media under the goddess Diva who write "The children are good and the master the heaven alone for this new day to be given to Rastafarian the Leopard of Hen Jew Y of the diamond mine and God's fortress that receives the One Father true of Heaven and their Sons through Seth; the Christ of Nubira our first received in the Desert of Heights that stops the rain in succession to mock the grace of God's temple but Hale was seen thrown from a bird that was like turquoise in the wind of four wings that glided over New Mexico with two stone in hand to the last blessing for another pearl that was hidden in the earth for the next return that stands at the Mountains of Sacramento New Mexico where the Tree of Knowledge is given by the First o this Country's rule in Prophecy as the Golden tail bird that swept the heaven above and gave the Father of the Mountain the image of the New Gate to Heaven for the second Heaven to return in season the for this man to return with two pearls as two Comets that warned the world twice of this one to come for it is the pearls of wisdom that become the next heaven upon man grace given true knowledge for wisdom the our return if we continue to believe us on earth that need only trust to bring this world into a paradise that must accept the terms of grace and the times that must fall one time to be given a sanction of 240,000 years to ours World true age of Spirit and the world of our flesh and word taken to the other recaches of Heaven above as we teach the parenthood of Christ who are the Fathers and Mothers of the Almighty but now became the first and last to grace the kingdom with these gifts of trust so that all Who believe in Heaven will be given one chance that its takes two seasons that bear the fruit of the same fruit and the same season for Heaven on Earth and paradise on earth to follow us who praise God every day and keep the fruits of our labor hidden safely on higher ground. and under the ground where the gates opened from the south and the north opened from the front of Heaven separated by time and time that gives is own power towards the Churches of Hadeem and Hareem that safe sailing passage back to Egypt through our eastern Cruise set back unto the Reich of Fourth Heaven and the right to heaven on Earth and when the Hercules struck the Wall of Gibraltar with a horn of a ram that broke open the gates of God's time that hovered back towards the Heaven we once knew before our in Heavenly Places that reached forth and back towards the Heavenly Body of God that became the Hills of Silent Night and open the way back home. unto Paradise. Amen.
Those Who Knows the Stars in Heaven Know the Outcome. i see many under the sun and the day widened for our earth because we decide to push to free fuels that enhances our relationship with mother earth the giver of nature and all freedom.
Saturday, April 9, 2022
The South West Patheon
Peace will remain under the sun of Paradise. there will be no ceremony our any battle in memory of God's day that capsized a marriage that was arranged and now Tom Cruise sealed His day with fortune that was given from the last heir on earth when time was then and now forever in each other's systematic orbit that gathers twelve other planets in succession for Heaven to gate open this as righteousness and for trust that was given in Jesus's name. Amen.
Why Ask of Me
only accepting this mark can kill you if not bring you death in life as to hold on to all the dead and bring forth the Heavens as Hades did for France as they were offered freedom in America to bring forth religion and the Field of God that had given the dead to Roger Who is the first transcendent to the Holy works of Hades that begin within Roger who is the Under Root of Heaven or the Keeper of the Dead where the Fields of God remain for that day to come back into Judgement and restore our own field of energy. "I can only retain your perfect image in Heaven if you only believe in Heaven. nor can insight the light to make us see the difference." said Hades, but i am who i am under the sun of the same day that we return from Heaven above to know Who was, Who is, and Who will always be the God to Hades will always be the last man standing before the next man first has risen from the bottomless pit where Roger remains from guilt unto purgatory for a time of six years that followed the resurrection of God Who was Jesus Who is Roger and Who will be the first and last return to Heaven on Earth that makes all Judgement clear under the Sign of Heaven that marked Roger's hand when He fights in the Heavens above. He can not lose or will ever back down from whence He came from that had restored the Fires of Hell to this man's number who had saved this world seven times before He went back to Hell to Judge us one more time that would either take us all into Heaven or all into Hell. so why pray to Me a God of the Dead?
The Heraldry of Hell
i am the one Who helps people to get to where they need to go, and if they never return to their place i will free them from their decision and talk with their mother and father and if they do not possess a father or mother in Heaven then they are not our kind but only inhuman having the capabilities of human but never seeing the good in us because of their absence to nature and to Heaven that tore them out of there Heavenly realm and taken them straight to Tartus where the fifth generation will be safe from annihilation.
The Chosen One Who Returns
"when the light befalls upon the man who hears the voice of God calling to them. it will be an unlikely subject that one must confirm with all their belief or God will take it away in time before it would be left to die in absence," said Josh the first Prophet
Children of Mustafa
to the north there are five to six Daemon wives that hold on the time the return us all from Heaven unto the day of Death where their Father will Judge the Holy Fortress on High and remain strong through our heir in Heaven as the light conquers the darkness at must be searched for again when the night has fallen onto Heaven that day will the dead be judged through the living on earth so that they would remain equal to Heaven on Earth. these days are forsaken for the House of Carolyn will tidy up this universe and bring forth another Mother from the south that had given birth to Roger two years ago her living name is Redeena and she is my reincarnated Mother Mary who already had two virgin births having children through the spirit of God that conceives the flesh of its mother. the first daughter is my wife who Mothers my first five to six spiritual seeds that were conceived through our faith in the Spirit so that one would have virgin birth through my conception. and will hold on to 12 daughters that return from hear and above. who will in turn will meet the Buddha's right chosen to anchor the young lady to heaven as with our time given to Roger in Heaven on Earth. they will bear the Children of Mustafa in Heavenly Castles.
Friday, April 8, 2022
Father Manis
they are two sides to this universe the first is the southern Heaven above and the second is the northern Heaven where my two Mother are the Gatekeepers of God's creation set in between the first and last Heaven between this serpent that circles the mid guard of Heaven with our Advisory House of the Jewish community that in the midst of the rainbow that bows for both doors open beside the High Priest Rabbi Manis Who is the father of my Mothers Alaina the South Queen of South Castle and Meeka the Northern Queen of North Castle that sets in two days to come from a silent Jewish community that strengthens the foundations of God firmament below of feet to stand ground when we defend the Gate of God's creation that set before its return..
The Instruction of Buddha
The Instruction of Buddha
God the Buddha is the enlightened wisdom of peace and every day will God return to rule the underworld unto the inner self of this cave within an incarnated soul that rules the underworld and gives only true justice in the balance of God's creation of Hell below 40,000 feet of earth's fire underneath your feet that is given to those in heat or in the battle of their own fate that determines the grace of God goodness given to what they have given and only fire can quench the rage of those who have done no wrong and has been persecuted spiritually and physically to suffer for doing no wrong.
Time Has A New Measure
times are fine when the Heavens arrive for justice but only get eight sections apart in heaven for each Daughter of God's driven time from 10,000 to 2000 years per day on Earth. Shadey My daughter that holds a cornerstone that was given from inside its courts in the heavens above for the House of Grant to renew that what returns with every wind second to none that blows under the Bridges of Grant's Gate a force of Gods peace in harmony to make what was good into something better.
Peace and Justice
when the House of Grant retires the first of it kind to heaven then we will answer by the heavens above who know the time is coming upon our return that must not suffer the times that we hold in our own image to Grant one in the union to 4 gates into other dimensions of the area to what was physical unto what is spiritual in this world that only God can hide from those who do not know My fifth day under the sun are the times that we uphold a vision of Heaven returning upon its own house that restores the Gate of Grant that is guarded by three serpents that hold on to every three cornerstones of this universe that leads peace and justice in the outreaches of God's Heaven that hold to time and everlasting peace sustained.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Separation is Our Way of Peace
let those who delight in suffer twice the punishment that comes forth in agony. they who provide their soul for others to be with them unto the end never make it towards their heart that leads to both successions and now the pain of those who are given it. will present itself in a manner twice the harm given. for who loves to see peop[le suffer pain along the way of frontlines that border them and the good from each other. if their existence travels back within our Heaven i will personally force you into submission and take the light of suffering away from those who did not deserve angerment. and you who are suffering because you make others suffer will never heal between two different heavens that now have to separate forever.
Light and Darkness Hand and Hand
when the darkness is parted by the Light of God in your heart is fought the light in your heart leaves you empty-minded and nowhere to understand what was evil is now mine and in the family tree that was to be cut down if it weren't for God to be there waiting for this time to be seized by the seas of God's command that release the dead from their Right of Heaven and their right to be another tree that stands up like ours still do. when she says that her husband is alive then she is no widow. but she looked from here unto therebetween and everywhere for her five husbands in this out kingdom that listens and serves the same God that must receive this Heaven today at one time separated but the smoke that stands up into the air that we breath for God's lightning is hurled down from the mountain tops where the Annunaki remains in the Heavens above until we return unto our post and reunite with our own families. God Speed to you who return in the times that brought forth the only dimension that Roger opened as one testament to Heaven on Earth and to God's Images that hold the body of every thought given time and time again from here to there and fom there to here where the truth gathered in the Seas of God's Heaven where forty heavens align with each other that comes forth and back unto Hearth the first or last planet in our galaxy before or after the Abyss (asteroid belt) that can only be opened by God or the Angels in Heaven on Earth.
The Book of the Dead
The Day After Tomorrow
when God returns They will Judge the world and bring peace back to everlasting
when the day arrives tomorrow God will have the first to choose among the men of God's temple. i will be blessed among these men tomorrow. we will be in places far from here but here at the same time. we have been given this time to become the Keepers of Heaven above, the outer reaches of space where the Lord had created Us and the Human race equal to all Who remain strong in faith for the light of Heaven will become two days before Heavens can clear the Healing of Saints who have been brought to persecution and the murders of God's hand that never knew they were other beings inside of them that fight this greater battle of God within Us all without any arrest or warrant towards mankind and God's Heaven that became the footstool of Heaven on Earth. when we were there and you were fighting God Who had made His appearance through Roger Grant the Last Prohpet of God that was found guilty in the name of God. but you who fought Me had fought your last battle because i have Judged this Heaven among the many that were separated by race and color so that this heaven wound be separated for peace, and those Who crossed over into our world we crossed back into their world and took the fight to them who held their world greater than ours that now protects the Heavens above as i do in spirit and in the flesh so that the image that i created in Heaven became the creation of mankind and the works of God through Me, Who holds Heaven and Hell at my prosecution that was inappropriate through the Law of God that is on Earth as it is in Heaven, the same laws that guide us through eternity by God's promise to everlasting life through Us Who was, Who is, and Who will always be in God's Children as the Almighty. Who became the hand of God that separates the flock for peace? and they that had my image in the Heavens above abused its authority and tried to take control of Us on Earth Who had the same image given by God in our destination to rule the Heavens above through our own spirit that was released to the Heaven's where the essence of God remains in Us all who believe that God had returned the same way as we departed.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
The Day south of Heaven is Their Day
the day has toured the southern pacific avenue to the Philippines and Africa we heal many populations under our feet. say the voice of Yakubeck and His lovely wife.
Alamogordo Hears the New Songs
tomorrow the verses will sing Hallelujah for Marvin in return for Jr.for the new measure of family and affair set in between Heaven and Earth. Amen.
The First day to come is Marriage
the light of the day that set Marie the daughter of Sgt Oliver Philippian the mountain of God's return states the measure of tomorrow in a marriage that is held for two of my nieces for tomorrow time in the light of Heaven forever. and the lord will be there to separate any tears from the heart.
The Mark of Cain (Roger)
in the beginning, God created land and the sea from the waters that covered our planet Hearth, and then God made Seven mountains that were lifted like clouds into the second firmament and the mountains became Angels that became churches that became marriages and the spirit that hovered over the waters as the breath and life of a Dragon knows in mist awakened the everlasting deep that holds the truth to the rising of land and the falling of the sea that leveled the highest mountains to this sea that had swallowed the Sins of God's creation through the cleansing of water that formed mountains and valleys when the rained pour and gave life through God's own heart that was set on this earth to rest on the seventh day from the destruction that already had destroyed the earth five times. before the fate of the fifth world could be seen i changed it into a spiritual world that transforms into Heaven on Earth. because some who were pure could not overlook the Color of God's skin died and tried to destroy this world because of the prejudice that they had for this man who had the mark of God's protection while the whole world worshipped that man that had the number of the beast because he was the only chosen one that was going to destroy the heavens above in outer space that tries to control our fate and the world we live on. and this man that had the mark had already accepted going to Hell, but that never made Him quit He still had the fire and spirit that rises from the underworld and proclaims the peace of this world was given from its own wisdom that brings peace back to its footstool and resting place. the man was Jesus Christ and the Mahdi who brings peace through the Words of God who is inside of Him that must suffer and then take His place in Hell again for the Day of Judgment to return.
Who Blotted Out the Names?
the names of those who were blotted were of saints of people who were God entirely but were forsaken like seeds along the wayside that have little chance to survive. just like what they would have done to us entirely if i didn't record this time like some who couldn't read or write but practiced their word and words that were spoken and if they would give you their word then that can be accountable for a promise. when our name is written in the book of life then that someone's name could not be forgotten or your name would be blotted out as well in Heaven. if you know that the names in the bible are names such as Satan (saints) Demons (ingenious), Angels (ingenious) the Devil (father and/or mother) are a part of God's family. these are titles of Heavenly Beings. they are much greater than the one who lies or deceives to get their way or hurt anybody, that's a deception of many who does not take their own responsibility. and in the court of law, "the devil made me do it." would not go it would be your responsibility. also if you hate the Devil or God then you hate yourself because we are good and evil and never one alone. good and evil are hard to see or show because of jealousy.
Monday, April 4, 2022
This is Heaven on Earth
when the spirit is placed between justice then it will never work. please use you counsel as i do when come to the Spirit of God / Mother Nature. please to know the enemy under balance equals the force in reaction and just as much good there is there be that much evil at your side fight forever and it will fight just as hard as we would even until end. it will always be as strong as you are, and it will never stop until it conquers us all within this Spirit of Balance. but today my Counsil said to this reason that our new goal is to bring all into Heaven or Hell. so, i made my own Hell and Heaven for us to return and sustain life over and over again. to know good and evil is to know Me Roger Grant so with God's brandished sword i took evil upon myself and brought Hell to earth and Heaven as well.
Three Angels Came to Visit
when Heaven was given the third eye there was no other in the heavens like Me when i searched after as i became the first one and last one that was given to earth because i could not find any others like Me in the heavens above or outer space. wisdom is 1:10,000 for every pearl that belongs in Heaven is made knowing them odds. i welcomed three uninvited guest and there were given the harvest for pearls of wisdom that traveled back east for a day that will become unburied in three fields of the Budda. Buddha was telling me that He would show Me a sign when Heaven is in order and when i saw that sign my internet went Chinese that makes happy to see the little miracles of Heaven when it had never done it before and still has never done that ever again. Thank You Lord Buddha for your help and protection.
The Tree of Righteousness Unfolding
when is it time to reveal the enemy who thought they were in control. would the world help God judge the under dead or would be become out raged and find every way possible to destroy what unclean or unfavorable in spirit the blessing that you try to take for your self but die a death that you devised for the innocent.
Profanes of God's Measure
those who practice unclean spirituality must remain in their guilt for their own faith in one heavenly ability to be abused i Roger Grant will change these into what we were going to become, a beast of the field that can run but back to modern civilization. and if you believe in Me then one can never change human form in what we are today as the whole species that gather for each other and work with each other. i.e. professionally
The One True God had won this war with the ones that were their enemies i fought with Zeus this evening time and won another great victory!...
When the Lord returns and gives us a chance, He will ask you to choose between right and wrong. the one who takes the early out receives hi...
i n place of the earth is our moon and she will take the place of the earth in the celestial Heaven above. she will take her seat among the ...