Monday, March 21, 2022

Our God is Always Watching

from the house of the we gave you food to eat and we gave it to all who would eat from it and we keep the last of  its kind for later. i will open the last time with the Mothers of Tomorrow that guides us unto our own destiny for every children and dream given through Roger our Messiah and the Only seed to remain one for the other in Heaven's process that inputs data next to date and time but only you Who are the Mothers of Tomorrow Who live today among Me as our Time and date becomes clear water and freedom that separates that league of kings and nations under God out of trouble and shooting one another until she decides to leave the true nature of Heaven itself as our own keeper of God and Heaven above given to a woman Who were given the Peace Time Award for their services upon this and that day. CONGRATS LADIES! AND WELL FOUGHT BEFORE WE OUGHT to be given to all who believe that we are the care takers in Heaven and Peace Keepers that have not seen one death yet on our side during this intense galactic presence among us in our space above.

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