Friday, March 25, 2022

The New Term

 the Flesh of Our image is the flame on fire for God and in the beginning during the days of the Tower of Babylon (America) that brought fourteen days in darkness before we saw the light shine on its day as the terms extend to what was what is and what will be an advancement of suggestion that we are aligned and in sync to a new term for a presidential congress committee to vote for a fortnight in term of our own time extended. 

New Amendment

12  colonies under one colony that built the progression of government that was given to the last Elect of God Who is in Elected of Heaven for one-third of Heaven's vote that can stop the winds for the times of 3 and a third of years that befall on four months of darkness after a draw or third of Heaven that had died in the Watergates of God must return and as one is reincarnated on Earth and the other in Heaven Who has caught their second wind that must be capitalized for freedom and for the last term given in this race that is given for a third and a third of its time in the term.

A Second Amendment

the Wind of Time is the breath that speaks and the times that we heal one through three days of thunder that brought three days of darkness that brought fourth a corner of Heaven on Earth for four years and four months time during a breath of three terms within our health and constitution after the second wind of God's breathe given.

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