Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Sword of Kings

God (Athena) will call upon a few who will be chosen among you to protect us in the wilderness above and to release those from Hell who were saved for this day.  say unto those who are sleeping that you awakened for Heaven and now rise into heaven and take you to place next to mine who is next to the Father and Mother of Heaven and who protects their children. you must believe that the Armor of God is a Woman that shields your back with protection when it is turned and facing the enemy. say to the armor protect what is right and defend what was left protecting the woman who has our back and wearing the breastplate of a Goddess of War with Wisdom) girdle of Her Mother's strength. and lift the sword from under a Channel or Church where France and England Meet and say to that sword Old Ancient sword awaken Old friend and tell Me how many kings have you slain and queens have you let live. "it is the right of a king alone that can kill another king while no one else can." and say to that Holy Sword named Roger and ask Roger to reach unto tomorrow from today and yesterday and let your word be true so Heaven can return. and the Spirit of the Sword will awaken every King and Queen that has its blood-stained onto it.

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