Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Head of Mercury was Crushed

reincarnation is part of this galaxy and the outer rim of Heaven that holds on to the Old Gods or the Titans that are directly above our own Heaven from a north and south directions as the Giants come from the other side of the asteroid belt or within the mid guard of Heaven where we once were swallowed from the Mother and Father planets to this galaxy there were twins set between two days and a third day that brought forth a crushing blow to the head of the Mercury planet that went unstable and would never return until it was a king or the fourth day that brought forth a planet that was like the planet Mercury but much faster, it would even race the Titans and win and as far as the eye could see Mercury became apart of three systems that showed the light unto its own path that would take for now on the understanding of those who are about to follow onto our own path down into narrow road and back unto our own wisdom that gathers us daily and around the Light of Day to know good and evil fought so fought so many times against each other that Mars went into the underworld and fought back until we were back to back in our galaxy and a Heaven that became a planet to our sister Venus and a moon to Mercury which had been destroyed and returned a mighty Hero of the Old and took its seat beside the Mother of Earth or Guya set between three planets in the west and then pushed into our system that bares the resemblance to Heaven above and below as one would flip the heaven backwards and then forwards again and again and again.

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