Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Hidden Force of God

 can you feel it creeping up behind you, not knowing that what was done today through Me was done yesterday through David Koresh the sacrificial Lamb of God that had taken their own life to overcome in the Spirit so we who been prepared for this day to take a final step in America for God alone who was who is and will become the first of its first return in the year and generation of 2040 or Gen 21.3 the Twenty-first Century Third-Generation of the First Heaven on Earth that is after our Heaven on Earth Today which is Gen 21.2 the Twenty-first Century and Second-Generation of Heaven on Earth who were Gen 21.1 or the Twenty-first Century and First-Generation of Heaven on Earth from the year of 2000-2020 which will be the Last Heaven before it becomes the First Heaven on Earth from 2020-2040. and if you believe that the hidden forces are here on then you are a part of this manifestation of Heaven on Earth as it was in Heaven Above then you are God the Almighty the Children of God that who protect each other in Spirit of God as i protect the Heavens above as it is on Earth in the Spirit of God. Amen.

  1. 2000-2020 = Gen 21.1, 1st Season
  2. 2020-2040 = Gen 21.2, 2nd Season
  3. 2040-2060 = Gen 21.3, 3rd Season
  4. 2060-2080 = Gen 21.4, 4th Season
  5. 2080-2100 = Gen 21.5, 5th Season

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