Sunday, May 29, 2022

Balanced Between a Stone & Feather

Balanced for Tomorrow
when we were beginning in Heaven we gave our whole flesh to stone in the hope to understand what we have done before and the Lord made a change to One is given to our hand today it given to Suzan for Her man to return as we were today. for one it is calmly to see life withdraw from Heaven and the Lord will give what we don't understand for one another and for each other changing from what was stone will break unto one another falling for every skin taken alive and every day skinned from the sun's Fountain of Light that showers us with tears of gold that shekels to cost of man that is bought and broken in two pieces so that bread can be passed from two hands given for one taken into the Light of Day after darkness awakens the skin of thy flesh made equal to every measuring pound of golden silver to light and darkness both was found to be light as a feather when a stone rises like the bread of Heaven then one is in balance with nature and the Spirit of Heaven within Us all who marries the same woman today as yesterday for the blood of God pours out from the stomping of a ball and heel that makes us wine for little while until that blood foments in the earth; and locks in a cellar refining the blood of Earth and Heaven that is crushed on a stone by a ball and chain against your own heel.

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