Friday, June 10, 2022

What Changes the Word of God

 the Secrets of a Parable 

to change a parable is to change your life as well as the world that holds secrecy to every parable according to its scripture that if you change a parable or add onto it like the second fruits of one season in Heaven knowing that you applied yourselves to the understanding to its own life given. for i Roger Grant had changed everyone (parable) that i could change for the world to change as like the season that was given in this blessing today so that those who would never understand the meaning if i did not do so today as my right to its own 'Kingdom of Jesus Christ in whom i am, was and will forever, be the Jesus Christ of our beginning today, yesterday and forever will be Roger Ramos Grant in knowing what i had done the world would be its own creation as it will be in the before the beginning and the times that i carried upon my shoulder for today to be saved and for Me to have rest in the blessing that i have occurred through faith.

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