Friday, June 3, 2022

The Fives Days of Return

 in order to see the Kingdom we must observe the days of our past and restitute the days to come beside the Heavens above when one has given all to the Heavens then they will cure their past lives that hold on to nothing physical but our own free will that harbors the messenger of life towards one day that becomes five unto one Heaven until that one heaven becomes five unto one day that was separated by seasons that i Roger Grant had made today for the fifth season to return with a first chosen ancestor that becomes the same as the last and only to our own deeds can we come in restitution for every time that was stolen from us and never given back. in order to see the Kingdom. the Lord must be in their place at the right time in the season that is cured only through forgiveness and if you can not forgive everything against you then try to be forgiven of your sins so that you may see what Heaven has been observing from the mountain tops of the earth as watchers of Heaven was given to Me as far as the eye can see on earth and i Roger Grant then divided it among five religions that fulfill tomorrow in harmony or in the art of unity. 

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