Friday, June 3, 2022

Whole Truth And Nothing Else

 The Gathering of Heavens

when we speak about what we believe strongly we tend to move a mountain but those who speak about the truth when there is none can only move their own place without God. knowing the truth was unsettling to you who honor God's from Above and take them Higher than the God's who were on Earth as God's only Children to do what was right and expected of you who never knew the time God would appear only to those who believed. so God implored Roger Grant who had humbled himself before the Heavens could understand Who He was. Who He is. And Who He will always be. many were scattered and fought themselves and killed everyone else because we didn't have a Higher source of God. and it is not in you who justify your own world but those who never could justify the Heavens and those will be broken into bits and pieces that were spread out throughout the space above that has no limitations but God but only.

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