Sunday, May 1, 2022

UnThrice, Quatras and Cincas

unthousand to lean on and another to lift the Heavens for two stories that hold four shelves. that would be here at Venus before it was given to earth and to mars and then to mercury to move the last bridge over this rainbow that follows the fourth Heaven and all the way to the first Gate where Roger had been receiving every blessing given to us on earth for this time that we honor God's creation and ours alone without a chance for any days that were given away through a hand that could care less. but i hold on to this Heaven better than you who come in disguise and tell us that you love us and you want to rule us and so much more so i will forgive those who think i am sick with madness but those who follow Me may never win if i don't give them this victory. never doubt Me if you believe in Heaven's handheld All the blessings that we All hold today and if i Roger Grant use Voodoo then is the graced that curses bruises our neighbor's head under the bone of our heel as the eagle lifts the serpent upon the edge of a rock to show Her a Wonderful Wolrd that has gone away but what is still locked in the middle of a fountain or a Lake of Gold. let our heart become the pain of our flesh that is given to our children for the day that Nero's reign upon the place in Mexico that lifts the dead of Shebala up to neither world where your nation calls upon you, again and again, to serve its on shining or shimmer to surface out of a river's cave that spews from a mouth of a mountain Gorgan or a Dragon that had fallen asleep until the morning awakens the thunder God and Lightning. the twins peek at the Sacramento Mountains that are right above Alamogordo New Mexico the Garden Center and the place where Hell resides.

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