Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Truth in Spirit

if you only speak from what was taught to you then your heart mind and body are deprived of the truth and will never open it if are afraid of life, or of God. if you believe in God then you know God is not only the Spirit but the flesh of God's Spirit as well that does the will of God who is in Me and Who is in you and each other that hold the keys to our understanding. and whoever holds on to this key must possess the truth. and the truth is in Us but those who doubt let it be known that they already have answers but not to the Spirit that knows all things in truth. if the truth was never there the key would never turn or open the doors of what is good and bad and to know the truth is to know what is in flesh had changed from the Spirit to Flesh and from the essence of God to know Heaven inside us all who believe through the Spirit of God We are One; Male and Female; the Body of Christ; the Essence of Heaven. those who doubt the truth are liars and those who believe in Me Roger then the door will open and your blessings will flow continuously in Heaven and in the Essence of God which is one Mind, Body, and Heart given to all in One Spirit, Body and Soul filled with God's essence.

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