Monday, May 9, 2022

The Great Spirit

 The Buffalo People Return.

the last night was given for our passing and the day is made whole again. it is i who searches far and near the house of God that has return under a new name that holds on to every day that we were in Heaven. the enemy had thier God's fight our God's for the right of essence to renew our own culture, that we once knew. and God spoke to Me and said we are the times that renew the brother before the Dragon could awake. i am the Father of Heaven that became the One True God on Earth for serving our God more than 30 years. i have been fighting with God for a long time. i am a Leader among my own who bring forth . the only battle that we had lost was the first battle that was in Sierra Vista Arizonia. were i denied Jesus three times before i was given a choice to die or continue on as the ressurection of Jesus Crist that followed the and the  being that stands at the Gate of Heaven when the Trump of God is blown for the freedom of All whyo believe in Me on that day the President emerges out from the waters that or mother created for us today. and if you are mad at Me that had done nothing wrong  then you fight with the emeny on my foundation that is given to time distance and a multitude that Hears Me speak with Telepathy to All  fountains under God that have the same language of God given to those who speak not of thier own truth but of God's true meaning of Heaven that returns All the Buffalo people of Heaven with Disapline to yield a foriegn field that Honors my day in peace that is inside O' Great Spirit. Amen.

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