Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The First Seven Days

 There were seven Houses, Churches, and Universes that hold every child in Heaven and every man thereof. She had given her day to know her man but still had the children with them. but the next day the man is given the child to make the House and Home. the Universe comes in many colors as the ones in the House and Churches of God who Roger was given so that He who holds All things in the Bible and All things in Heaven as Everything given to my own Children of this Universe and for All my Daughters that made this day better than the last Heaven will be given each day at Her disposal and at Her hand in earth or inward into Heaven below that falls twice and three times a lady that's made to Her child who lives in  Earth as it is on Heaven to live free from them who never lived before until Gods will be made clear that no one dead or alive will hurt another female. and i will find what was dead and put it into its place so that they who hated Her for loving Us will be in the void or suffer in the fires of God's infernal where death and life burn together and suffer less and more from each other and for what they have done for the last seven days that lasted forever.

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