Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Cotton Wood Tree

 the light in the Heavens above are the white hairs of a cotton tree and it seeds are the stars above that blown in the wind four-five miles and the tree that was planted in Alamogordo by Roger Grant when time stood still and all Roger had in his hands was a cotton seed within total darkness and as He released the seed it began to grow wild from a pinpoints view that gave life unto the Tree of Truth and Wisdom that created a hybrid Tree called Knowledge All on one tree that stood alone in the garden center where each tree will live two score and ten years of age or two and a half generations dormant until it seeds no more for a total of two seasons that rest side by side one above and one below the waterline of Heaven which is the height and Lady of the Sacramento Mountains that right under and to the left of Sierra Blanca (Old Baldy) the oldest Volcano in the United States of America where the Tree is now standing upon.

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