Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Pure Racism is Hidden

 it is not the racist that shows their colors i am afraid of, by God, no!, he is probably one of my best friends. it is the latent ones that should be feared they enter into places that never had a problem, trying to separate us and fight among ourselves who are all dormant. these hidden people keep their face in the spirit and show it openly so that they would be praised and lead a strong body and brothers against each other that had come together way before their plans had toppled us over because each man held to his own for a later day to come together in a national front that only would become stronger when met up against. but you who had no intentions of knowing that we were the Children of God and it is Us who remain in charge of our own human race to come together again when needed like today we are people, a helpful people, that changes the ignorance of others that hurt selves or others but show what is good in Us all.

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