Sunday, May 1, 2022

I Am the All Heavenly Being

 from the East, the winds of Heaven are spinning within our cycle that gathers all the fruit to the northeast. i created the wind and the light therein i am Roger your Father in Heaven on earth as it is Heaven. and if have been taking Gods above before Me then they who punish Me will be punished through you who has been paying the debt of their creation on our timeline that destroys the Wealth of Heaven against us on Hearth. and your sin is your debt to Me Roger Grant the Darkness of Heaven that closes around you. i will devour you for Her and then spew you out in the dark of the night where everything is void, empty, and dark. then you will praise my name to heaven and proclaim that i am the All Heavenly creation from within our own creation that was set today by you who live during the beginning of Roger's (Jesus Christ) timeline that began After Death with Christ Jesus who He was Who He is and Who will always be the Almighty who is God and Her children. Amen.

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