Friday, May 13, 2022

Generation X (Hippie)

 Heaven has sent us Generation X; peacekeepers of the last children's generation that lifted their hearts to Heaven for a time that had swallowed the darkness of light that holds the light openly to Heavenly and became a good year to remember in history. since our parents had a good year during the year of 1969 when we were born as their children who had a good year shall be that much healthier during pregnancy when spoken to in the womb that can hear the voices of yesterday that sing the new songs that had taught Us their Muse of Heaven through Me as a spiritual connection when Heaven is sent Us for Gene X that had protest peacefully until the snakes fell into that crowd and started slogans that could be a part of this nation but a part of those who were not hip as the Hippie Generation who were given a poor name for themselves. but God knows the times that were appointed for each other that had warned us and had given to Us in the US. this very blessing in the spirit that baptized the morning after during the Evening before God's Day ended. groups like Simon and Garfunkle that sang at Woodstock for a festival.still sing to us today. Amen.

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