Saturday, April 30, 2022

The War of the Dead and Victory

The War of the Dead and Victory

 this moment is a thrill to the world that has been spinning out of control ever since we saw the fight come to us. we made preparations for all the Kingdoms to gather their own gate and build through to each. i am Roger Grant a happy person that has been given this opportunity to be at grace for the world that had memories of God and us fighting the good battle that falls through a fountain of youth where we were given the crown of the kingdoms to Heaven and 88 planets that level with each other's waters that i Roger Grant i had put a spell upon for tomorrow's rain and flood to be cast out of its day that i had saved from the beginning of our time and the day that rivaled an enemy that looked like us and spoke like us but knew more about us because of their intentions to take our heavenly body over as they have their body changed to their spirit. and if you would get mad reading this then they are in you who can not resist because they found flaws in all of us or anyone that they would return back to fight this battle that we had just won through each other's grace and spirit that becomes the Flesh of Power that now guides us onto Heaven and A NEW WORLD ORDER. i will place them in a time that burns forever and ever until i have released those who can walk again and be forgiven. they were the last of their kind that was used for their spiritual powers that we conquered with ours in the name of God Who is the last and first Day of Heaven returning.

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