Friday, April 22, 2022

The Osculating Ball of Fire

 The fire that had such ferocity covers the mouth of that which was swallowed and then released back within the fire was swallowed again this was a sign of that which was foretold and that we who were hunting for happy grounds that are given to those who are warriors that hunt for a Heaven on Earth during the fifth season that lets the land rest for two seasons or for two thousand years per day on earth that becomes the reincarnation of our third family who is within us and within those Who return tomorrow within Us Who live today on Hearth. the Mother Planet and Father of Heaven. we will return within the fifth season and open the 8th gate three times for every five dimensions that hold and protect the four other gates to four other Heavens on Earth that will become the first and last of the third Heaven that we searched for and found under the mountain of God's separated Heaven that holds three gates all around and a fourth through the four corners of the 5th Heaven (United States). these days will return and flourish in Mexico and South America. the days of old will return down the evening line and rejuvenate Egypt as well as Africa. i have set a time for Heaven to know Me, and my time is short in this manner that must lift us together who are caught up in the rapture so that all Who have faith will speak in the Heavens above (sky) for every ear to hear the Word of God to Whom is the image and Vessel God (Roger) who is in Us today on Earth as it is in Heaven. we are much stronger now that we found the third river into the Heavenly past where the Woman becomes God and the light that shines upon man forever and ever.

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