Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Fire of the Four Winds

 the winds fulfill my destiny from eastward to west way will the winds of Heaven sway and bring forth the two that need marriage before we can see All of God's marriage sweep the waters from the desert plains unto the seas where the two sides meet four each other that stands up the four corners on earth as a corner that stands alone in Heaven where the four elements of life give to the Heavens above breath and one corner that stands alone as a tree that was in the CENTER OF THESE CORNERS in Heaven on Earth where this world is ours and the first tree to stand alone in the desert sun and in between all the elements of strength that build up a body from the fifth element that stands up the serpent and the garden that has been here in Alamogordo for years and the first is never holding on to what you know but what God is telling you that Roger is the first and forerunner of God who is Woman. the tree of our seeds remains in her forever. her seeds are not to be spread out without knowledge but are to stand up in the name of Her Heavenly Sons Who are marked and placed in captivity before falling into Hell where will rise out thereof in the seasons that God returns with the Fires of Heaven that enloped with the Waters of Earth that keeps burning the furnace of fire that is in the mixing ferment of Heavens below that makes every heaven from an island and sea into an ocean for every warm night in places of Her heart were burning in the dark from the fires of the Hawaii islands where the raven carried the fire from there unto the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico during the flood.

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