the time has set to 4 pm to 5 pm we are in numbers multitudes and ready to fullfill the last of our river flowing with blood til the dawn of our savior returns whi is the Name of our own Hearoes that we have missed dearly and they will fall back upon the first day of God's return to Hearth the Heavenly Earth tha holds the times of God returning, again and again, its our duty to return what was given to us in return for our rest that is in the ground for those who justified thier changing world with a hand in return to all those before them that saved thier own time in absence of a Kingdom given to God and those who sealed theis day upon their head as scientist or peoples like top scientist Dr. Micheo or Tyson who has done well in the Eyes of God during this creation on earth for all to be thus in God as i am and thus in Me Who are in God their Son. and who becomes one in the essence of or sprit that collected as tax for tomorrow that feeds our children the truth in this communion of God and Spirit that sets the truth from labor by two witnesses and before any lies that can not hurt another but through its own success that guides others along its way and for its own will guided by God today by unselfish ways and unselfish people that become our eyes and ears of today that feed the public only truth in the this spirit and in flesh we do not lie at all. we enjoy watching it on the media i.e. people like those who are survivalists, like Cory and his partners, hosts like, Ellen Lee DeGeneres, actors, and actresses, and just good people who had decided to help when i needed there the most when God needed the help to host the last time together as the time that will outnumber the ones before and outweigh the ones that held their glory above God's whos time was today but was never given for this time in suspense that we hold on to prejudice and greed that breaks the foundations of new world order or freedom that can see that difference in this matter. when we were outnumbered today Roger gave this awakening to those who kept their own seeds from dying by killing their own in confusion unto their own return that follows with death to every planet to descend upon but i Roger Grant had mercy on them and they continued to destroy us so i tricked them into believing that would be flooded when it stayed cloudy all day because of the light that five suns have brought to this new earth that was just created and then given a hand in marriage as the first moon return to its former placed called Hearth the place i remain until this time to be released to those who gave their best to know Me but could not. so i Roger will stop the spiritual curse that i have given in pursuit of our planet to be saved rather than to be their own father Planet or Nemesis that returns its hand by the last second to hold on to Roger's great marriage that had many times taken to their who collects the spirit in marriage knowledge and in flesh shall become one as i created the universe today in own image called mother earth. Amen
"One day under the Sun of to Heaven shall those who change this world to be better than what is was shall in return be given immortality for one thousand years for just day that that holds their own spirit in the Upper Heavens where the 8th firmament is that true passageway over to Alll Heavens in the darkened haze of black waters or dark energy that cover the Rhine Stone dome of our Heaven above that was renewed to diamond." ~Athenic
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