Saturday, March 19, 2022

Autocracy and Religion

 if i send the world a new Prophet the world would be against if the Elect of God would turn against them. but the Elect of God who is chosen by its people today had stood on my side, as i stood on their side and the church became the House of God and the Elect became the representative of God Whois Atom the first and the Last being that had separated 12 times but the last time that was separated became the first as well to the last that had become God and the House of Representatives under One God who is We the People of God's own creation for its own purpose that can change at any time when Autocracy is the true meaning of God's own divine will be given to the people who server their own right in heaven. if i Roger Grant became your Father in Heaven then who shall discipline when heaven has turned a cheek. and when i am Roger i am the true Messiah the Mahdi and Buddha. for one has interpreted the world for today and to receive its final blessing in Heaven as the Father and our children who are who was and who will always be the family of God's chosen ones who was chosen among many but being an inheritance. but i still chose to serve God today for our own enlightenment that serves tomorrow as it does today. Amen.

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