Thursday, February 10, 2022

Those Who Increase Must Decrease

 before the end of the light shines the day was given to Jesus through Rome when the Prefix found out that their Ceasar was the King of the Jews. and so the Prefix who had no idea that his Lord would return here in Jerusalem. so Jesus became Christ was anointed by the Wisemen Who was and is still will become the Christ of Heaven above by falling in Hell that rules the Underworld and as Buddha the life God who arts in Heaven and in His name Our Lord and Father and the last begotten Son of God Who was born from of a virgin and was baptized by John the Baptise who decreased so that Jesus would increase as the  Nazareth or gentile that owned the land and the title Messiah that was given to Judas Iscariot who died for my safety into the wilderness. Amen

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