Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Conspiracy of Truth

 because of the latter-day decision, we can not change the fact that God wants us to have our own will so they send a Prophet that does God's will by decisions that we make without knowing that God had influenced that what was then to be now or tomorrow. for every God in Heaven there is a person on earth and i Roger Grant has set you free from my bonds of mercy so that tomorrow will recognize independence in Heaven as it will be on Earth that gathers many to a place called Alamogordo where Roger has set in time the precedence of life to continue on during process and procedure. for the last one prepared but did find the path that we are on but died because He was a part of creation at hand and know the day got even worse so that one would even return with vengeance to earth if i did not prevail. but i Roger Grant was given the power of God's light and darkness to choose How this world was going to end. and i choose independence to be our hearing in the fires that trial our day in succession to God's will that becomes the fire in my heart that holds the first and last seeds of Christ to survive one another as i did the seed of David for this day to be JUDGED by Me Roger the Deamon Seed of Heaven that Hell followed unto this day a Hero of Heaven and Earth and i Roger Grant have led the Armies of God and saved the earth more than seven times, i am the Lord of Saviors and the Lord of Worlds. that what is seen above from earth belongs to Me Roger to do the will of God so that tomorrow may live again.

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