Thursday, February 24, 2022

Outside Where the is Air Thin

if you ride a horse you can see over things giving you an advantage in height as well as sight because now you can oversee and manage more than those on the ground and a horse can see 360 degrees giving you another advantage when you are not looking. this Horse represents this fourth world's spirit in the hands of ten female riders that hold on to many paths of return and many will say God holds to all who believe in Her but in them days the one that believes are the ones that believe in Roger Who has already returned and conquered the Heavens alone without times that returns for a bitter peace that should hold on to a true earth for the better half of this day is now complete for the last part is to be shakend by God's faith that holds on daerly to what God had taught Roger alone for these days to transpire in heaven above as the key to thier own survival that lays to rest in a bitter end that sacrificed themselves for rest so that no one could return to this time again as the the valkirie screeched out loud and joined the battle of man and beast that took half the world to notice thier own spirit inside the beast and as these beast who were men had battle against their enemey and God looked out of the fire and saw everything cleansed within shouted to the world find the serpent and deliver her the final blow as she was the final blow a horn was heard from every coner of the world that gathered for two heavenly stories that took in one or more breath that turned the tide and opened the enemy from all around with fire that surrounded them within their own vessel that is in the Dragon's coil that squeezed every last breath out from thier system before they were consumed and swallowed whole in the fire..

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