Friday, February 25, 2022

I Love Evil so Much

only evil tried to separate the House of the Lord but to none one prevailed and brought Her back to Our House where she belonged. nor did one know that what evil was, is, or what evil does but Roger did so He swallowed it whole spat it out and then swallowed again and started to shout "it didlely oath and boast em bow bow bow did and that in" he convulsed and then coiled up with fear and stuck it dear in the rear that sent the darkness quickly back down its hole to disappear for good. but i looked at her and into her eyes, i fell through the slit and landed on a tear that broke the fear of being eaten. so i tell you this story in the belly of this serpent that i first loved so saved her and kept her quiet for 6 years in the belly hidden. while in the belly all i kept dreaming was about her tongue rolling back in and out of her big black shiny lips flickering me to move closer and closer and even closer before she swallowed me whole i was half in half of this heavenly body that emerged. and now we speak with two different tounges that say two different things that mean two many different things with two different tongues that slipped in and out of control sniffing and kissing one another out of control in the underworld, until someone trespasses on Me again as to bite them on the heel and chase then down the riverfront that leads them blind as far back as 1969 and i told him again not trespass but they asked so i let him in as my friend. afterward, i let him spiral down my back into the hole where unity is at once again.

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