Thursday, January 13, 2022

What is Above is Now Below

Those Who Knows the Stars ib Heaven Know the Outcome. i see many under the sun and the day widened for our earth because we decide to push to free fruels that enhannces our relationship with mother earth the giver of all freedom and the recompence of its mother and Her Children that have spoken directly to you who enjoy killing people alone in thier spririt will walk alone in everlasting void of every heart that hated God for being Who they were. God is an opening to its own dimension that had set 5 times to a day that loses every five that have returned and measured what was given for today in the fifth season that had many return back today to whence we were created to think and act like the Father in Heaven Who is Roger Grant the one who opened the gates for the Heavenly Kingdom to enter as One who never gave to Me from the time that we seperated but unto those who would speak a lie if the had know wisdom to change what could not be changed and to leave what cannot be changed alone. and the had witnessed for Me Roger Grant five thousand years ago in the Bible. who am i to take from you like a thief that has taken everything. i have taken what was mine and taken from those who knew that it was mine and never cared for the Lord of Heaven to be Himself but another one of you who controled too many times that were forgotten and lost into nothing that void into nowhere but its own DARKNESS. and it is up to us to help each other keep this universe alive and and a breathing but the said it is up to you even as i speak it is up to you to know who i am and the Lord spoke with fire that consumed the light of DAY and returned it unto another who was more Worthy of Heaven on Earth than who we were today. and i am speaking to those who are not of Earth or this p;lanet but to the Heaven above where i own every plnet that has not been given inhabitants and this is for us to come together and bring back what was neither here nor there but ervry where i have given to other before you and said unto everyboidy that Roger is the Father of Heaven and those who oppose Him will lose thier Power in Heaven for one chance to keep us alive.

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